There are two methods of creating PDF documents in library described in the following sections.
You can create empty PDF documents using the following methods:
Use the PdfDocument class constructor PdfDocumentPdfDocument(String, UInt32) to create an empty PDF document
Use the PdfDocumentCreateStandardPdf(String, UInt32, PdfStandard) method to create a PDF document with the given PDF standard
Use the PdfDocumentCreateColorSpacePdf(String, UInt32, PdfColorSpace) method to create a PDF document with the given color space
You can create preconfigured PDF documents using the following methods of the HTML to PDF Converter:
HtmlToPdfConvertUrlToPdfDocument(String) - Converts a HTML document from a given URL and produces a PdfDocument object that can be further modified and then saved
HtmlToPdfConvertHtmlToPdfDocument(String, String) - Converts a given HTML code and produces a PdfDocument object that can be further modified and then saved