ConversionTriggerMode Enumeration
The possible options for triggering the conversion after the page was loaded in converter
Namespace: HiQPdfClientAssembly: HiQPdfClient.NetCore (in HiQPdfClient.NetCore.dll) Version: 16.0.0
public enum ConversionTriggerMode
Public Enumeration ConversionTriggerMode
public enum class ConversionTriggerMode
type ConversionTriggerMode
Auto | 0 |
The conversion is automatically started immediately after the page was loaded in converter. This is the default option
WaitTime | 1 |
The converter will wait a constant additional time given by the WaitBeforeConvert property of the
HtmlToPdf class before starting the conversion
to allow more time to JavaScript to update the web page
Manual | 2 |
The conversion will be triggered manually by a call from JavaScript to hiqPdfConverter.startConversion() method
available in web page after the page was loaded in converter