PdfDocumentHeader Class

The PDF document header canvas method of the PdfDocument class


Namespace: HiQPdfClient
Assembly: HiQPdfClient.NetCore (in HiQPdfClient.NetCore.dll) Version: 16.0.0
public class PdfDocumentHeader : PdfRepeatCanvas
Object    PdfCanvas    PdfRepeatCanvas    PdfDocumentHeader


AdjustPageCount Can be used to adjust the total number of pages in page numbering control
(Inherited from PdfRepeatCanvas)
AnchoringMode Controls the anchoring mode of the canvas in PDF page
(Inherited from PdfRepeatCanvas)
DockingMode Controls the docking mode of the canvas in PDF page
(Inherited from PdfRepeatCanvas)
FirstPageNumber Controls the number of the first page in page numbering control
(Inherited from PdfRepeatCanvas)
Height Gets the canvas height in points
(Inherited from PdfRepeatCanvas)
ParentDocument The parent document of this canvas
(Inherited from PdfCanvas)
Rectangle The bounding rectangle of this canvas, the same in each PDF page
(Inherited from PdfRepeatCanvas)
RepeatInBackground Controls if the canvas is repeated in back of the page content. By default the canvas is rendered in the front of the main content
(Inherited from PdfRepeatCanvas)
RepeatInEvenPages Controls if the canvas is repeated in even pages of the PDF document. By default is repeated on all pages
(Inherited from PdfRepeatCanvas)
RepeatInFirstPage Controls if the canvas is repeated in the first page of the PDF document. By default is repeated on all pages
(Inherited from PdfRepeatCanvas)
RepeatInOddPages Controls if the canvas is repeated in odd pages of the PDF document. By default is repeated on all pages
(Inherited from PdfRepeatCanvas)
Width Gets the canvas width in points
(Inherited from PdfRepeatCanvas)
X Gets the canvas X location in points
(Inherited from PdfRepeatCanvas)
Y Gets the canvas Y location in points
(Inherited from PdfRepeatCanvas)


(Inherited from Object)
(Inherited from Object)
(Inherited from Object)
(Inherited from Object)
Layout Layout the PDF object given as parameter in this repeated canvas
(Inherited from PdfRepeatCanvas)
(Inherited from Object)
(Inherited from Object)

See Also