This class controls the properties of the PDF document generated by the HTML to PDF Converter.
A reference to an object of this class is exposed by the Document property of the
HtmlToPdf class
Inheritance Hierarchy
Namespace: HiQPdf
Assembly: HiQPdf (in HiQPdf.dll) Version:
The PdfDocumentControl type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
PdfDocumentControl |
Constructs an object controlling the HTML to PDF conversion
Name | Description | |
AutoPdfForm |
The object exposed by this property can be used to control the automatically created PDF form
| |
BackgroundColor |
The PDF pages background color
| |
BottomPadding |
A padding to insert under the content rendered in a PDF page
| |
BreakAfterHtmlElements |
An array of HTML CSS selectors to select the HTML elements that will receive a page break after them in the resulted PDF document
| |
BreakBeforeHtmlElements |
An array of HTML CSS selectors to select the HTML elements that will receive a page break before them in PDF document
| |
BreakInsideAvoidHtmlElements |
An array of HTML CSS selectors to select the HTML elements not accepting page breaks inside them
| |
CloseAdditionalDocuments |
Controls if the external documents inserted before or added after conversion result are closed when the conversion ends.
This property is true by default
| |
ColorProfile |
The color profile used by document
| |
ColorSpace |
The PDF document color space
| |
Compress |
This property controls the content streams compression in the PDF document generated by the HTML to PDF converter.
By default the content streams are compressed to reduce the size of the generated PDF document
| |
ConvertHttpLinks |
Controls if the HTTP links in the HTML document are converted to HTTP links in PDF.
This property is true by default
| |
ConvertInternalLinks |
Controls if the internal links in HTML are converted to internal links in PDF.
This property is true by default
| |
DestHeight |
The height in points of the destination PDF rectangle where the HTML content will be rendered
| |
DestWidth |
The width in points of the destination PDF rectangle where the HTML content will be rendered
| |
DestX |
The destination rectangle top left corner X coordinate in points
| |
DestY |
The destination rectangle top left corner Y coordinate in points
| |
DisplayMaskedImages |
Indicates if the masked images are displayed.
This property is false by default
| |
FitPageHeight |
Controls if the content is scaled down to fit the PDF page height. This property is false by default
| |
FitPageWidth |
Controls if the content is scaled down to fit the PDF page width. This property is true by default.
When this property is true the images and the text font can be smaller than in HTML
| |
FontEmbedding |
Controls if the fonts used in HTML are embedded in the PDF document.
This property is true by default
| |
Footer |
Controls the visibility and the content of the footer of the generated PDF document
| |
ForceFitPageWidth |
Controls if the content can be enlarged to fit the PDF page width when FitPageWidth is true. This property is false by default
| |
Header |
Controls the visibility and the content of the header of the generated PDF document.
| |
HighResolutionGraphics |
Indicates if the PDF graphics are using high resolution coordinates.
This property is true by default
| |
ImagesCompression |
Controls the images compression percentage in the PDF document on a scale from 0 to 100.
A 0 compression produces the best quality images which leads to larger PDF documents while a
100 compression produces low quality images and small PDF documents
| |
ImagesCutAllowed |
Controls if cutting images between PDF pages is permitted in the PDF document generated by the HTML to PDF converter. This property is true by default
| |
LiveExcludedElements |
Controls if the HTML elements excluded from rendering are live in PDF.
This property is false by default
| |
Margins |
The PDF document margins. By default all the margins are 0
| |
Outlines |
Controls the automatically generated outlines of the PDF document
| |
PageOrientation |
The PDF document pages orientation. The default orientation is potrait
| |
PageSize |
The PDF document page size. The default value is A4.
The final width and height of the PDF pages is also influenced by the PageOrientation property
| |
PdfDocumentObject |
The PdfDocument object created during conversion
| |
PdfStandard |
The PDF document standard
| |
PostCardMode |
When this property is true the generated PDF document will have only one page
to display the whole content without scaling. This property is false by default
| |
Properties |
Controls the title, subject, keywords, author and the creation date of the PDF document
| |
RenderImagesWithTransparency |
Indicates if the images are rendered with transparency in PDF.
This property is true by default
| |
RenderWithTransparency |
Indicates if the resulted PDF can contain transparent objects. This property is true by default
| |
RepeatTfootAllowed |
Indicates if the repeating of thead content of a HTML table in PDF is allowed. This property is true by default
| |
RepeatTfootStacked |
Indicates if the tfoot content of the HTML tables rendered on a PDF page are stacked or displayed at the same level.
This property is true by default
| |
RepeatTheadAllowed |
Indicates if the repeating of thead content of a HTML table in PDF is allowed. This property is true by default
| |
RepeatTheadStacked |
Indicates if the thead content of the HTML tables rendered on a PDF page are stacked or displayed at the same level.
This property is true by default
| |
ResizePageWidth |
When this property is true and both FitPageWidth and FitPageHeight are false the PDF page width can be resized
to display the whole content without scaling. This property is true by default
| |
ScaleImages |
Indicates if the images can be scaled in PDF.
This property is false by default
| |
ScrictIsoRendering |
Indicates if the generated PDF document respects strictly the ISO standard.
This property is true by default
| |
Security |
The object exposed by this property can be used to password protect the PDF document,
disable printing, copying or editing of the PDF document
| |
TableOfContents |
Controls the automatically generated table of the contents for the converted HTML document
| |
TopPadding |
A padding to insert above the content rendered in a PDF page
| |
Viewer |
Controls the PDF viewer preferences
Name | Description | |
AppendPdfDocument(PdfDocument) |
Call this method to append a PDF document object after the HTML to PDF conversion in the final document
| |
AppendPdfDocument(PdfDocument, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) |
Call this method to append a PDF document object after the HTML to PDF conversion in the final document. The boolean parameter controls if
the header and footer are applied on external PDF document loaded from a file or a stream. When the parameter is true the interactive features
are disabled in the external PDF
| |
AppendPdfFile(String) |
Call this method to append a PDF file after the HTML to PDF conversion in the final document
| |
AppendPdfFile(String, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) |
Call this method to append a PDF file after the HTML to PDF conversion in the final document. The boolean parameter controls if
the header and footer are applied on external PDF document. When the parameter is true the interactive features
are disabled in the external PDF
| |
AppendPdfStream(Stream) |
Call this method to append a PDF from a stream after the HTML to PDF conversion in the final document
| |
AppendPdfStream(Stream, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) |
Call this method to append a PDF from a stream after the HTML to PDF conversion in the final document. The boolean parameter controls if
the header and footer are applied on external PDF document. When the parameter is true the interactive features
| |
Equals | (Inherited from Object.) | |
Finalize | Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetHashCode | Serves as a hash function for a particular type. (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.) | |
InsertPdfDocumentBefore(PdfDocument) |
Call this method to insert a PDF document object before the HTML to PDF conversion in the final document
| |
InsertPdfDocumentBefore(PdfDocument, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) |
Call this method to insert a PDF document object before the HTML to PDF conversion in the final document. The boolean parameter controls if
the header and footer are applied on external PDF document loaded from a file or a stream. When the parameter is true the interactive features
are disabled in the external PDF
| |
InsertPdfFileBefore(String) |
Call this method to insert a PDF file before the HTML to PDF conversion in the final document
| |
InsertPdfFileBefore(String, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) |
Call this method to insert a PDF file before the HTML to PDF conversion in the final document. The boolean parameter controls if
the header and footer are applied on external PDF document. When the parameter is true the interactive features
are disabled in the external PDF
| |
InsertPdfStreamBefore(Stream) |
Call this method to insert a PDF from a stream before the HTML to PDF conversion in the final document
| |
InsertPdfStreamBefore(Stream, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) |
Call this method to insert a PDF from a stream before the HTML to PDF conversion in the final document. The boolean parameter controls if
the header and footer are applied on external PDF document. When the parameter is true the interactive features
are disabled in the external PDF
| |
MemberwiseClone | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
ToString | Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.) |
See Also